Monday 2 July 2012

2nd July .... or How I got a name.....

Helloooooo loyal Blog followers .... Arthur here ... I am so grown up with a name all my own and what a name it is very regal!

Did you know that there was a King called Arthur, he had a magician called Merlin and lived a long, long, long time ago.  He is reputed to be living in the Isle of Avalon waiting for a time when he is most needed to come back to lead 'us' again!

Now, this is a bit freaky ... but did you also know that Glastonbury is reputed to BE the Isle of Avalon ... and I was there with the lovely KW leadership team having cake and generally soaking up the atmosphere.. However, being male I couldn't get out of the bag at the Goddess temple... but I do hear wonderful things about the place.

So, apart from being named what else have I been up to?????????

Well, not a lot really I've been missing the Tin'd one a lot and I've had the snivels which has resulted in my stuffing being a bit soggy........ soggy stuffing is not good let me tell you!

However, Raven assures me that I will be seeing Tin again soon and she's had a word with the other Brit leadership and I'm allowed to join in when they have their moots and stuff!!!

love Bea.............. Arthur x x x

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