Wednesday 10 February 2016

Wiccaning for lost babies by StormloverWolf

A Wiccaning for the children that I lost due to miscarriage by Stormloverwolf.

The altar table is draped with an ecru coloured crochet tablecloth. There is a larger size white candle in the middle on a pedestal with two wicks burning. Beside the large candle on either side are small vases holding the very delicate blooms of Lilies of the Valley. Their scent transforms our gathering in the woods to a delicate mist of scent. Attached to the outside corners of the altar are beautiful pastel coloured balloons. In front of the vases are two hearts one carved out of wood, the other woven from reeds pulled from the pond on the walk in. My parents have passed but I feel them here with me. I stand hand in hand with my sisters and High Priestess’s Lady Tansy and Lady Sunchylde. Other’s asked if they could join us but I needed to say it was just going to be my family. I didn’t want to hurt their feelings, but this is so hard I don’t know if I will be able to get through it.

Tansy walks Deosil to open our Circle. She lets delicate pink rose petals and the delicate green leaves of a fern as she says: “We open this circle with every step that I take. To name and bless the souls of those lost to our Storm. Protect us and shield us from harm of any kind'” Tansy returns beside Storm.

Sunchylde – “I call the spirits of the East, the element of Air. Please join us in this special Ritual to hear the names of the lost ones. Bring gentle winds to lift our spirits. Hail and Welcome!”

Tansy – “I call the spirits of the South, the element of Fire. Please join us in this special Ritual to hear the names of the lost ones. Bring the gentle warmth to enfold our spirits together. Hail and Welcome!”

Sunchylde – “I call the spirits of the West, the element of Water. Please join us in this special Ritual to hear the names of the lost ones. Bring your refreshing mist to soothe our spirits. Hail and Welcome!”

Tansy – “I call the spirits of the North, the element of Earth. Please join us in this special Ritual to hear the names of the lost ones. Bring us your strength of roots to bind us in safety this night. Hail and Welcome!”

Sunchylde – “We call the Great Goddess Hera, Goddess of the Heavens and childbirth. Please join in this Rite to bless the souls of the lost ones. Hail and Welcome!”

Tansy – “We call the Great God Osumara, guardian of children and controller of the umbilical cord. Hail and Welcome!”

Storm – “I thank you all for joining my sisters and me this night. I wish to name and bless the two children that I lost in miscarriages many years ago. My heart still aches for them though I know they are safe and that I will be blessed and meet them when my time comes to crossover.”

My first child that I felt would be a boy; his name was to be Kyle.
My second child that I felt would be a girl; her name was to be Madison/Maddy.

Storm -"Dear God and Goddess, please bless these two spirits that I lost long ago. Watch over them, and teach them all they need to know. Protect them both and teach them to be strong, while I bask in the light of their memories long. The day will be coming, when the time’s right it will be. A glorious time for their relatives and me. My darlings I love you with all of my heart, it was the God’s wishes that we did then part. Our reunion will come and blessed that day will be, until then my children contentment will find you, you will soon see. This Is My Will, So Mote It Be!”

I thank my sisters Sunchylde and Tansy for standing with me for this incredibly special Ritual.

I thank all of the elements, Earth Air Fire and Water for joining in this special Rite this night. I am grateful for your strengths and characters. Return to your Watchtowers dear friends, until we may call on you once again. Hale and Farewell!

Goddess Hera and God Osumare my thanks for your presence in this special Rite this night. Go if you must but know that you both are welcome to stay... Hale and Farewell”!

Sunchylde walks Widdershins to close the circle gathering a few rose petals and fern drifts for me to keep “Our Circle is open, yet never broken. Blessed Be!”


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