Saturday 30 April 2016

Arc of the print

We are very excited to announce that our Arc of the Goddess course is now available in paperback format (with extra added bits) - the book will be published by Moon Books on 24th June but is available for pre-order now.

The blurb:

This year-long Arc of the Goddess course will take you on a personal journey of discovery, taking each month as the wheel of the year turns and introducing you to different goddesses and pantheons with your choice (or theirs…) about who you work with and how you work with them.
The authors hope to help you connect with the magical energies of each month as well as giving you lots of practical exercises to work with and suggestions on how to make your spiritual connection stronger.
At the end of the course it is hoped you will not only have discovered your own personal pantheon of goddesses to work with but also uncovered The Goddess Within…


“An amazing course, clear, powerful, brimming with information and highly recommend.”
Alannah Smith

“This course is perfect whether you want to dip your toe in or fully submerge yourself on your Goddess journey.”
Bernie Anderson

“Following this comprehensive and insightful course will help you to connect with the energies of the month as well as getting to know, understand and grow closer to many different goddesses.”
Sue Perryman

“The Arc of the Goddess is an inspirational way to reconnect to the energies surrounding us. Following the monthly turn of the wheel is exciting and there is no right or wrong way to progress. It is a personal path of discovery, developing year after year.”
Heather Dewhurst

"Another wonderful Kitchen Witch course with heaps of ideas to guide you to work with the energies of each month. You start a unique journey creating your own personal pantheon of Goddesses - each Goddess giving you a deeper connection with her and the changing of the seasons."
Vanessa Armstrong

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