Saturday 23 July 2016

Working with deity – taking the connection further

Working with deity – taking the connection further
by Sunchylde DryadMoon

I’m frequently asked about how to work with deity once that initial connection is made. Maybe you’ve met a Goddess or God through a guided meditation or maybe you feel drawn to one you’ve seen pictures of or read a little about. But how do you build a relationship and build on that initial connection? Here are some ideas to get you started

Well I would start out by finding out as much about them as possible. Read their myths and stories. If information is a little thin on the ground, as it is in some cases, then meditate with them and ask them to show you their stories or ask to be given information in dreams.

Create an altar for your deity. This doesn’t have to be anything on a grand scale. Just a little space on a shelf or bookcase will be enough. Leave offerings that you feel your deity will enjoy such as flowers, food, crystals and herbs.

Find an image of your deity that appeals to you. You don’t have to spend a lot of money on artwork, you can simply find an image by doing an internet search and print it off on copy paper. If you are artistic maybe even create an image of your own from what you have been shown through meditation.

But I think the most important thing of all is to just talk to them. Yes you may feel a little mad at first and as if you are talking to yourself but you don’t have to talk out loud.  Talk to them as you start your day, maybe in the car on the journey to work. Tell them what you hope to achieve, your hopes, your dreams. Tell them about anything that is worrying you, the things that you most fear. 

Also ask how you can best work with them, how to allow them to guide you on your path. When I first started doing this I was surprised by how easy it was and how much comfort it brought me. It also made my connection with my deities that much deeper.

Working with deity is a very personal thing and I hope these ideas will help to get you started building a beautiful relationship.

Sunchylde DryadMoon

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