Tuesday 19 June 2012

Monday 18th June ....aka Tin comes home!

OMGosh have we got a lot to tell you about .... we started out at Stupid O'clock - most bears don't even know this time of day existed .... but we were up and packed up ready to go by 5.00 am!! 

You would think these humans would remember my size and pack appropriately but hey ho - I'm a strong bear my shoulders are .......... hmmm maybe not - Mr Raven can carry it for me! 

I get to sit in the front with Raven and Mr Raven .... pah - it's raining ..............again!!!! But Raven and Tin assure me that it WILL get better :) 

At roughly 8.00am we decide to stop for breakfast .... This is what the girls had ..... 

And this is what us Men had.....   ok it's what Mr Raven had - but he had lots of driving to do ...... 

Onwards we go. ......... and finally after 4 hours of driving we get to Tin's Spiritual Home..... 

Raven like the one of me on the wall with the Castle in the background ..... Tin's now going to describe the experience as I'm still too overwhelmed .... well I am a bear with a very small brain!!!! 

Wow, what a day!  As we started to draw near to Tintagel it became a game to see who would spot it first......I won!!!  The feelings of excitement grew as we pulled into town, of course I was already bouncing off the seat, so Raven had to put shields up to  block out some of the excitement.  We spied the shops we wanted to visit on our way through to the car park and then we started to walk towards the castle hill.  The sun was shining and we were all excited to start our adventure.  After a quick video of the history of Tintagel, we headed off for what would be a lot of climbing, both up and down.  We headed down to the cove first as the tide was out and we could have a wander into Merlin's cave.  I was struck by an overwhelming feeling of coming home.  Definitely been here before in at least one past life!!!  Both Raven and I had our moments to meditate a bit over the ocean and collect up some Tintagel stones...........or in Raven's case Tintagel Rocks!!!  Poor Mr. Raven has to carry them all.  We made the steep climb up to the castle ruins and it was beautifully sunny and although there were other people milling about, it was eerily quiet.  You could hear the swishing of the ancients as the women's skirts brushed the stone floors and the men's boots clashed along the paths.  Looking out over the sea, we could imagine ourselves living in that place.  It evoked feelings and memories for me that I'll carry with me always, and if those memories ever start to fade I have only touch the stone I was gifted permission to take from Merlin's cave to bring those memories flooding back.  I could have stayed there forever, but we did have to get a move on, hit the shops and then drive to Glastonbury, so I sadly said my goodbyes and left a small piece of my soul behind to be joined with again the next time I manage the trip back to my Spiritual home.

Phew - see told you she would say it better than I could ..... however, once we climbed back up the steep climb we needed to ground ..... and what better way than with Pasty and Cream Tea ....... 

Then after we went round the shops - it was on to Glastonbury to climb the Tor .... but I think that doing the two in one day was too much for this wee bear as I fell asleep in the bag and didn't see much (or anything of the Tor.....) good job we are going back on Friday .... I'll report more on Glastonbury then!!!! 

Today we are off to Burley to meet with the wonder that is Tansypants and to visit the home of Sybil Leek - ohhh and cake!!!! 

Love Tin, Bear and Raven x x x 

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