Monday 13 August 2012

Review - Hedge Witchcraft & Hedge Riding

Two new books from the wonderful Moon Books publisher in their Pagan Portals series:

Hedge Witchcraft 
Learning by experiencing is about trusting your instincts and connecting with your inner spirit
Hedge Riding
The hedge is the symbolic boundary between the two worlds and this book will teach you how to cross that hedge

Both books are written by Harmonia Saille.

Hedge Witchcraft

This little book has all you need to know about the basics of Hedge Witchcraft.  Harmonia starts by introducing us to what Hedge Witches do, how they connect with nature and the spirit of a place, it also introduces us to ritual tools and familiars.

It then goes on to describe the Celtic festivals of the year and how a hedge witch views them, along with a good section on the elements and the magic that they hold.

The section on Sacred Trees takes us through each tree and what characteristics and energies it holds followed by a section on herbal lore.

Harmonia then dips into folk lore and divination from a Hedge Witch viewpoint.

An interesting book where Harmonia shares her own experiences of Hedge Witchcraft, good for anyone interested in following this path.

Hedge Riding

This book follows on from the first and gives an insight into Hedge Riding.    Harmonia shares what hedge riding is with meditations, visualisations and pathworkings to help you along.  She also goes into detail on the three realms.

Her section on animal and spirit guides is good and she shares her own experiences here too, along with an exercise for shapeshifting.

Followed up with a section on protection and preparation the book ends with instructions on how to follow your own hedge riding journey.

Both books are available from and


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