Wednesday 15 November 2017

Faden Quartz by Gypsy Willowmoon

Faden Quartz  by Gypsy Willowmoon

Zodiac sign - Aries
Planet - Mars
Element - Fire
Candle colour - White
Chakra - All

Herbs, incenses, and oils - Almond, juniper, nutmeg, sweet tobacco, and tangerine.

Associated crystals - Rutilated quartz, tourmalated quartz and tree agate.

Faden Quartz is identified by one or more inclusions of white fibrous "threads" surrounded by fluid or gaseous chambers.
Faden pronounced FAH-den which is German for fibre.

It is a symbol of wounded heroes, or people who have overcome tragedy or disability.

Faden is thought of as the ' healer crystal’, it repairs bones, cartilages, torn muscles, broken blood vessels or a grieving heart.
It generates self-healing abilities and the will to recover.

Use it to heal the damage done to the earth by careless humans.

Helps you to put things right, whether fixing your car, a relationship, work situation or arguments...

Faden Quartz teaches children to make do and mend, and sometimes accept less than the designer chic, that they wanted.

Relieves lameness in animals.

Good to use in past life workings - to understand present dilemmas and fears or to release.

Can be used distantly, to connect the practitioner to the client or recipient.

Great to use in big groups especially for healing.

Potent to mark all endings - including divorce.

The illustrated directory of healing crystals by Cassandra Eason
Judy Hall, extracted from The Crystal Bible, New crystals & Healing stones & The crystal encyclopaedia
Image - soulful crystals

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